Mirabella, Mindful Witch


Almost everyone forgot about the magic duel on the playground, the break dancing donkey at the Christmas concert, the battle against an army of supernatural dust bunnies, and the fire-breathing dragon that landed on the basketball court…

Everyone forgot but Westley (who plugged his ears during the forgetting spell) and the new girl from London. But, Mirabella, an 8-year-old student at Maple Valley Elementary and nature witch in training, had no choice. Those were the rules. Nobody could ever know that she could talk to animals, that her wishes came true, or that her feelings were so powerful they could change a sunny sky into a rainstorm and a blizzard into a gentle summer breeze.

Mirabella Mindful Witch magic donkey dancing at the Christmas Concert illustration

“Mirabella made her wish and suddenly the lights on stage flickered on and off. A real donkey, with a Santa hat and purple sparkles in his brown mane, leaped onto the stage. He bowed elegantly and strutted around in a circle. He threw in a break dance move in the middle of the stage, spinning on his back at the speed of light!”

The story behind Mirabella

As an elementary school special education assistant, I work with children on the autism spectrum, at-risk youth, students with ADHD, and other exceptionalities. Through my work, I recognized the need for a fun resource that addresses these social issues, in a format that communicates best with my target audience: a fantasy story for children about children. During the 2020 lockdown, I engaged an eight-year-old girl on the autism spectrum through stories, and this online experience inspired Mirabella. The book addresses inclusion and demonstrates kindness in practice. 

This fantastical story is an excellent resource for educators, parents, and students. Parents and children can access concrete strategies to combat anxiety and develop emotional regulation through awareness, deep breathing, mindfulness activities, and a narrative that serves as an allegory to emphasize kindness and empathy. 

  • "Mirabella, Mindful Witch is an exciting, magical, fantasy story that will have elementary and middle grade students spellbound, and give them lasting tools for emotional regulation."

    J. Kriel, Mother & Education Assistant

  • "As a parent of a special needs child, Stella's work touches me deeply. Her writing has a powerful message of embracing your differences, finding your way, and building a community of supporters as you move forward in life."

    Anita Allen, Mother

Join Mirabella on a mindfulness adventure as she learns more about the power of words, kindness, and magic breathing, a small thing that makes a big difference when it comes to calming the storms of our feelings.

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